الخميس، 3 نوفمبر 2011

Legendary (2008)


Legendary (2008)



Legendary - The greatest thief of all times and peoples, Charles Dekard specializing in the rare works of art, from a purely professional considerations, wade in the New York museum and, if on their own, opens the box - nothing other than the legendary Pandora's box. What happens then, is fully consistent with the ancient Greek myth: Hidden under a single lock, all the troubles, evils and vices at once hit the peaceful citizens, and together with them - and Dekarda. In the skies over New York revealed suspicious crater, where, as if from a horn of plenty, there are griffons, werewolves and other mythical monsters. Residents megapolis devour, klyuyut, torn to pieces, columns, pressure and take away to an unknown destination. Not ready for such serious consequences and are not sophisticated in dealing with demonic creatures, Charles is one - to try to close the Pandora's box. What is it for this should be done - to identify himself the hero.

- Unusual first-person shooter, set up a team of developers of Call Of DutyTM.
- Fully interactive, mobile gaming space, which operates freely many secondary characters and monsters, ready at any moment to abandon their case and thrown into the attack.
- Heavy-duty artificial intelligence of enemies.
- Graphical engine based on Unreal Engine 3.0, destroyed scenery realistic physics surrounding objects.




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